Saturday, February 20, 2010
iseng ajah
God is never fair
God is selfish
God is childish
He chooses who He likes
He disposes who He dislikes
God is in full power
God is in control
God is never wrong
God knows best
God would never leave you
He will only ignore you
God will not forsake you
He will just condemn you
God will not hate you
He will just not hear you
God is never far away
He only sits in His throne billion light years away
God will never be angry at you
He will just send quakes and storms near you
God is fair
You just have to see everything in His eyes
God is Almighty
Disobey and you shall be smite
God will give you anything
If you’re willing to throw away everything
when you feel then stop feeling,
It is not that I have any ill intent or the sort, I am just being me. It is not that I am being cruel, I am being perceptive. You feel that you need others acknowledgement to be satisfied with who you are, you think that you need other respects and adoration to be special, this is not true. Insults that you received they have no meaning, criticism thrown to your face left no injuries, it is not them, it’s you.
You’ll receive what you gave, you’ll catch what you’ve thrown, and it is just a circle that you’re not willing to see. If you know what you want, and you know what you need, then forget what you want, and neglect what you need. I have no reason, but neither do you, I have no destination, and you are lost. This is not the one you’ll want to harvest after a season long planning and planting.
I see you crying in fear, but you forget that crying requires tears; I see you doubt yourself, but admitting would mean losing to you. You are not what you think you are, you are less than that; still you’re not ready to accept the facts. You stayed in silence, running from what you want to be and be they want you to be.
You’re simple, ignorant, and arrogant. You smile with your heart, but still you are arrogant, I can sense your arrogance but you still deny this reality. I hate that you change your mind every time any one new say some little well known facts about life, you are not smart, you are shallow. You believe in empty promises, you say empty words, things that are as empty as your head.
You act wise but you don’t know any wisdom, you recite from books that mean nothing, you utter words that are hollow wrapped in beautiful cloth. You swallow everything whole, ignoring the fact that your brain is the ultimate guide, you see want you want to see; you see what they want you to see, you can never see anything as it is.
I hate you for this, you change without knowing anything, and you declined a hand for help, and received another. A misguided hand, a person who as narrow as you, and yet I do not know the reason. I see everything as it is, but why?
As if nothing matters, people see what they want to see, I’m different because I see things as it is?
I’m not wrong for saying the naked truth
Or do you prefer pretty lies?
For what I was
For what I could’ve been
God hates me
For what I’ve lost
For what I should’ve won
God chooses me
For what I never wanted to be
God disposes me
And not to be what I conceived to be
God shoves me
To the side when I walk in the middle
To the back when I push myself forward
God guides me
Pull me hand and push my back
When I see clearly everything up ahead
God leaves me
Bring down the night and turn off the lights
When I was blinded and my limbs are bounded
God is awkward
God is weird
Kicks you down when you were up
Drags you on when you were off
God does the opposite
Of what you have ever gave credit
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Staring on the blanks on my walls, wondering what would they be like if they were painted in another color, it was white by the way, just pale normal white. I sipped a deep breath, injecting toxic inside my body and the exhaling the same toxic back to the world. The world as it is had already have enough toxic, but I was merely excersizing my right to poison this world.
As the paper and tobacco turned to ash, I flicked my cigarette, removing the burnt part. When the ash was removed I noticed the amber of the cigarette, I was wondering where it went, it didn’t go anywhere, it was just hidden from my sight by the trail of residues it left behind.
The amber turned to bright glowing red fire as I inhaled the cigarette, and returned to its common orange color when I stopped. Ironic, oxygen, a substance I need to stay alive is now keeping the cigarette, which is slowly killing me, from dying.
My chest hurts for every smoke I breath, but my mind was at ease, another irony, I have to corrupt my body in order to keep my mental health, I had probably finished half a pack since this morning, but I wasn’t bothered by the fact. Addiction is not a sign of lack in self control; it is just an expression of self helplessness, how we are not able to manage some urges, regardless how much effort we’ve put trying to put it in submission.
I picked up another cigarette this time just placing it in my lips, not wanting to light it. I played with it for a few seconds, moving it left and right with a single movement of my tongue. Then I got bored, picked my lighter on put it on fire. And so the process repeats.
Friday, February 5, 2010
I'm the king
I fear of chaos, a society disregarding its rules and having no same objective, viewing this with his own eyes, and seeing that with another’s, a society having no goal, and no fear.
Anarchism I can never tolerate, different is never good. Thus I decree, no man or woman shall be different. I weigh this with a balanced scale, it’s never fair but this is what my people need, blunting the edge of the ego’s knife, eliminating any need to revolt and rebel.
I am the tyrant, with an iron fist I plough the soil, and with my sweat I fertilize the land. There shall be no common man who sees his fate better than his neighbor, they shall tell tall tales about the past, and its society succumbing to pits of diversity.
There shall be no more. Fear I hold in my right hand, hate grasp with my left hand, if you are the same between you and your friends, than you can never see envy’s growth.
I am the savior, with care I shorten the tall, and with love I heighten the short. There shall be no special man who leads the follower; they shall hear no stories of such magnificent man.
There shall be more. Grain of rice and beads of coffee, I breath the fluid, and exhales the foul. Such strong fragrant of the morning coffee, such weak scent of the cooked rice.
I am the common man; I shall guide my people since I am in command. I choose the cloth they wore, I select the water they drink. They shall not fear me, they will not love me. They will obey me because they want me.
At 5 am they tie their shoes, at 6 they will jog, at 7 they will rest and at 8 they will work
Such detail plan, for each and every man, such cunningness of a severe genius, and thus I shall be generous
I am the savant! I do well with art; I do horribly in no such.
Every baby shall be accounted for, Even if had to be done door to door. Every life expectancy, every books they fancy, They will not escape me.
Thus no cripple will grow, no idiot shall live
No mistake to be feared
I’m your emperor, I am your ruler. without a crown on my coronation, cause I haven’t found the need for such commotion
Bye bye
My bags
I have notes and pens
I have nothing in my bag
I have erasers and pencils
I have nothing in my bag
I have sharpeners and scissors
With rulers and inks
I have nothing in my bag
Name tags and cards
Broken glass left nothing but shards
I have nothing in my bag
Bills and papers
One for each chamber
I left nothing in my bag
-Tas ku ketinggalan di kantor hics hics hics…-
I’m a coward
Hiding beneath layers of protection
I’m a coward
Walking through the night with a light in my hand
I’m a coward
I see with my eyes closed and cover them with my hand
I’m a coward
Seeing the truth and seeking a conviction
I’m a coward
Mud on my face
I’m a coward
Tomatoes and sauce
I’m a coward
Warming myself with ice
I’m coward
I’m a coward
I hate
I angry
I furious
I’m not
I am
Just gold and glitter
Turn left there is no right
I love
I like
I try
I fail
I not succeed
Just water and porridge
Block the road under the ditch
Avenge the revenge
Return the favor
Lighten your skin with bleach
On hot summer on the beach
Black light under the autumn sun
Seed and spawn of the naked gun
Bees and birds
Fleas on the bride
Boom is the sound
While waiting for the groom
Just like father and son
There’s no more family warming the sun
The noon under the full moon
Some times it came a bit too soon
Sing sing sing under the rainbow
It’s the drug for all the eyes to see
Books and pens
Sin and men
Women and dress
Cars running on fire
Is it just another mess?
Take this cloth of linen mesh
Step out and take the trash
I see blue under the orange sun
I see gray over the white pale night sun
Ant bites and runs
Aunt runs and cries
See their uncle dies
And eaten by maggots and flies
I am not sick
I am well over six
Bricks and chicks
Whips the cows for the milks
Black spots of inks
And then don’t forget the kitchen sink
Drink the food
Chew the fluid
Air is a fluid
How can I believe what I can not see?
Air is solid
How can I not believe what I can feel?
Air is blowing
Can I hear the voiceless?
Air is stagnant
Can I spoke the unspoken?
Thy shall not regret
Thy shall obey
Thus I regret to obey
Thus I didn’t regret to not obey
Thus I regret to not obey
Thus I didn’t regret to obey
I hate
I hard
I soft
A soup of millennial age
A soup of life
A soup scattered around the flat earth
The earth I say is never round
The sun I say does not evolve
I revolt!
I rebel!
I do not care what I see
I censor
I censor what you see
You see whatever I want to see
I obey
I understand
I bow
Under the sleeping stars
Stars and oceanic chaos
Thus life is reborn
Given birth by father earth
And mother time
Father nurtures
And mother teach
Blossoms under the spring weather
I see the real bloom
It was never like that
I say
You say
Arguing on the month of May
I hate
I love
And iron of vindictive
V is not for Vendetta
V is for Vindication
V stand for Vandalism
The eyes of the Vandals
Covers on their sandals
Just blue is never gray
Just is never gray
Just is never white
Just is always blue
And never black
Just is what you see
What you do
What you don’t want to believe but it’s always true
Bloo Blooo Blooo
two Os are pronounce “U”
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Pernyataan dan Respon
P : Orang bilang mawar itu indah, aku bilang menusuk
R : kamu orang pesimis
P : Orang bilang api itu menghangatkan, kubilang membakar
R : Kamu orang negative
P : Orang bilang sunset itu indah, menurutku awal dari kegelapan
R : Kamu seorang visioner
P : Orang bilang rokok itu penyakit, tapi itu membuatku tenang
R: Kamu orang pragmatis
P : Orang bilang bumi itu bulat, tapi terasa datar
R : Kamu orang yang realistis
P : Orang bilang lemah itu bahaya, menurutku itu normal
R : Kamu seorang conformis
P : Orang bilang laut itu biru, kubilang itu hijau
R : La??? Kamu orang madura??? Ato mang buta warna?
R(P) : kadang ganggang membuat nya terlihat hijau
Berpikir out of the box kadang membuat kita terlihat aneh
Monday, January 4, 2010
puisi tentang rokok (dari site yang lama)
she came to my life….
she was a double edged knife…
with every sip of air I inhaled….
she took a bit of my life with her….
And I took part of her as well….
So I breathed till she no longer exist…
Another came along….
different package but still the same….
With every air I sucked in she took a bit of my soul away….
And in return I burn a part of her as well…
Till I got fed up and threw her away…
They are all the same…
Took a piece of me….
Poisoned me with sweet sensation….
They all have the same name…
And no know is to blame…
their names are nico….tine…..
Call me Crazy (Dari site lama)
Call me crazy! tapi mending kol mi anggik aja deh, ato mas anggik, ato oom anggik,,,
btw mungkin aku agak sedeng tapi aku baru aja baca sesuatu yang aneh tapi agak ada benernya,,,,,,
dia bilang "hidup itu seperti bersepeda…." what? maksudnya? "kalo pengen stabil kamu harus mengayuh sepedamu dengan kencang…" Oh now that makes sense,,,,,
Bener juga kan? kalo kamu pengen hidup-mu stabil (bukan lancar) kamu harus menjalankan hidup-mu at a certain pace, just like cycling! too slow and you’d certainly fall, too fast and you’d lose control,,,,exactly like cycling! tuh kan ngga krezi2 ameth!
bosen denger ma orang2 yang sering nulis hidup itu seperti air, angin bla3? ya udah bilang aja hidup itu seperti naik sepeda,,,,
There’s only 2 (yes 2) things I know that would stop a cyclist, either s/he’d fall or s/he put his/her foot on the ground, just like life, either you die trying or die achieving,,, but in the process of reaching that permanent stop s/he still had to cycle…..and that’s an achievement by itself. True?
How ’bout the brakes?(and the gears?) sure just like cycling, life sometimes (if not most of the time) needs (or requires) a change of pace, slower for rockier roads, faster on smoother roads,,,,And of course gears are there to help you through those paths,,,,lower gears for uphills, and higher for downhills,,,,ngerti ngga?? ah tolol juga lu ya?
kamsudnya rem itu gunanya buat ngatur kecepatan sama ma gigi, masa jalan jelek mo lo trabas aja, mbrabas kapok koen! ngerti kan?masa kalian pas lagi susah mo langsung cabut ngga pake mikir? rem dikit ganti gigi, kalian mo nanjak pake gigi 5? ampe anakmu punya cicit juga ngga bakalan kelar de!
Hit the brakes when you feel it’s just too damn difficult, there’s nothing wrong with it? Different bycylce have different shock absorber maybe yours are just a bit harder then the one next to you,,,,,there’s nothing wrong with being weak, getting weaker is wrong, but being weak (while getting stronger on the way…) it’s not wrong at all……
aku mang pinter nan jenius yah! bersedia menerima sumbangan,,,diharapkan sumbangan tidak dalam bentuk barang ato karangan bunga,,,,,BU CPT BS NEGO!
anggik yang sekerang : ngekek aku baca ini, tapi ada benernya juga, sial
Bagaimana caranya?
Hmmm setelah aku membaca conan dan kindaichi, aku tau klo didunia komik ngga ada yang namanya kejahatan yang sempurna, dan jagoan selalu menang
klo baca di komik
gimana klo bukan di komik?
di CSI juga sama, ngga ada yang namanya kejahatan yang sempurna di
trus klo didunia nyata?
ini diaaa...
klo didunia nyata sayangnya sering kali kasus pembunuhan tidak terungkap
karena kurang bukti, ato kerana identitas korban yang ngga diketahui
uda ada clue-nya tuh!
Brarti ngga impossible untuk membuat kondisi pembunuhan yang sempurna
all you have to do is make the victim unrecognizable gampang kan :)?
siapkan bantal, sarung tangan, minyak tanah, mobil, korek api :)
Culik korban, jangan sampe terlihat ma orang lain
bisa dengan pura2 ada urusan mendadak "eh aku ada masalah berat ni, tolong aku donk, jangan kasi tau siapa2 ya!" pake sms, ato klo ngga kenal malem diculik ala mafia, tapi harus siapin preman2 buat ngangkutnya :p
Lokasi eksekusi, di gunung:)
Kenapa gunung? satu2nya tempat dibawa bakar2 ngga akan terlihat mencurigakan, dan nanti akan ada alasan lagi
Pelaksanaan eksekusi
di mobil! tuangkan minyak tanah ke dalem mulutnya paksa dia minum! hihihihihihi, klo dia pingsan pake chloroform -bisa dibeli di toko obat atau bahan kimia- klo bisa di tempat yang ngga membutuhkan nama membeli nya :D, atau paksa dia minum Alkohol, alkohol cepat diserap juga oleh darah hihihihihi memudahkan pembakaran :">
bekap korban dengan bantal jangan lupa pake sarung tangan dl :">
eh iya diiket juga klo dia masih sadar :D
Post execution
sekarang keluarkan, mayat korban, ato klo pengen lebih seru setengah mati, ato masi idup (ngga rekomen dia psti ngelawan malah tambah sulit)
taro dia disekitar batu biar api tidak menjalar berbahaya!
siram dia dengan minyak tanah lagi, nyalakan korek lalu bakar!!!!
abis itu joget2 dikeliling dia kayak indian jaman dl ekekekekekek
*klo dia setengah mati minyak tanah atau alkohol dalam darah akan ikut terbakar, jadi bisa ngeliat dia kebakar dari luar dan dalam*
*klo dia uda mati minyak ngga akan bergerak jadi apinya menjalar kedalam aja gitu*
asik juga tu ngeliat bola mata bisa pecah karena cairannya didalamnya mendidih, klo dia setengah sadar lebih asik lagi, ngeliat di teriak2 gitu kesakitan :">
minyak tanah atau alkohol dalam tubuh memastikan adanya pembarakan yang lebih baik, karena tubuh manusia sebagian besar dari air maka pembakaran yang sempurana sangat sukar...
Setelah pembakaran
klo pembakarn sempurna mestinya ngga ada sisa daging ditubuh korban tinggal tulang belulang,
setelah itu ambil batu yang besar dan hancurkan tengkorak kepalanya :D
pastikan dompet dan pakaian yang dipakai tidak bisa dikenali lagi
buat korban tidak dapat dikenali andaikata tulangnya ditemukan
Membuang mayat
Gali lobang kira2 2 meteran lalu masukan apa yang tersisa dari korban ke lobang itu
kubur lah baik2
karena digunung jangan lupa masukkan sampah atau yang lainnya diatas untuk menutup bau (klo masih ada sisa daging yang nempel) dan memberi kesan klo itu dari pembusukan sampah
Jangan panik jangan menunjukkan perubahan sikap
klo emang ada yang tau kamu terakhir keluar ma dia, boong persiapkan bohongmu itu baik2
simple2 aja, jangan terlalu detail, klo ngga ditanya jangan dijawab detail2, orang boong selalu bicara detail biar kliatan asli
Jangan panik, klo ngga ada mayat ngga akan ada kasus pembunuhan :)
PD klo kamu uda sembunyiin mayatnya baik2 :)
klo bisa sebulan setelah itu pergi ke lokasi kuburan korban, gali lagi cek apa ada yang ngutak-ngatik
klo berani ambil tulang itu trus pindah ke gunung kapur
Jangan lupa doa supaya eksekusinya berhasil...
Siapin pisau ato minyak tanah dan korek api
tunggu tempat dimana kira2 dia akan lewat
begitu kliatan batang hidung orang yang kau benci itu
tusuk matanya, orang pasti disorientasi klo kehilangan penglihatan
trus tusuk ginjalnya, untuk memastikan klopun dia ngga mati karena tusukan racun yang keluar dari ginjal bisa membunuh dia sendiri
bisa juga paru2, tapi agak susah soalnya ada rib-cage, sangkar tulang iga, klo bisa, kamu bakal ngeliat dia mati pelan2 semakin dia bernapas semakin banyak darah yang masuk ke paru2nya tenggelam dikit demi sedikit, matinya bakal amat tersiksa dan lama
ato klo mau langsung tusuk jantungnya, sama kek paru2 dia juga terhalang oleh rib cage, dan ini matinya cepet, jadi ngga ada kepuasan ngeliat dia tersiksa
*minyak tanah*
tuangkan (kek masak, ganti de) lempar minyak tanah kemukanya, lagi maka mata akan panas, orang akan diorientasi klo terganggu penglihatannya
setelah itu siram keseluruh tubuhnya
nyalakn korek api
bakar dia
kamu bakaln ngeliat orang2 joget lari2 tanpa bisa berbuat apa2
klo orangnya gendut api itu akan cukup panas untuk membakar lemaknya sendiri ;))
setalah korban tewas, lalu tunggu polisi datang
serahkan diri, dan mengakui perbuatan
saat sidang lakukan yang sama
"A perfect murder is not when you can get away with it, but it's when you are willing to rot in prison for it"
kepuasan ngeliat dia tersiksa jauh mengalahkan penjara manapun, now that's a perfect murder
jadi siapa yang mau coba?? ekekekekekekek