Thursday, December 31, 2009

Kam Kam Kamera!!!!

Tanggal 31 Desember 2009

Hari yang sangat berarti buatku, demobilisasi dari Brunei Methanol Project dan hari pertamaku bersama D90-ku ^^


I love her the first time I saw her


Her curves…

Her physical features…

Her buttons…

Her everything…


Gila ni kamera cakep banget!

The thing about cameras

Mungkin konyol menurut orang aku beli kamera baru lagi, tapi kalo kata Tina aku berhak menghadiahi diriku sendiri

And what a great gift I gave myself!!

Kamera dan foto

Maksudku hasil jepretannya

Selalu Captivating and Amazing

Biar kata orang biasa dan normal

Tapi menurutku selalu luar biasa

Let’s talk about time

Hmmm waktu

Dan hubungannya dengan kamera

Waktu ngga bisa berhenti

Jalan terus unstoppable

Tapi kamera ngasih kesempatan buat kita untuk merekam waktu

Waktu yang ngga bisa berhenti

Golden time menurut orang adalah sekitar sun rise and sun set

Tapi menurutku golden time adalah kapan aja :p

(terinspirasi dari sering kelewatan golden time he3…)

The thing about cameras is that some moments are worth to capture regardless the lighting, timing, pose, model and other meaningless things

Me and my moments

Cameras give me the chance to capture moments which are truly meaningful for me

Instead of just beautiful picture without any soul

Maksudku, kapan lagi aku bisa inget nyorakkin orang jepun klo ngga dari gambar?

I rather have 1 bad picture, with unbalanced exposure and blurry image but means a lot than 1 thousand gorgeous pictures without any soul

The thing about pictures is you can relive the moments –good or bad- in the past

To experience again the feeling what you might have forgotten


Enough soul searching for today

Saatnya cigarette searching, uda abis ni

*clingak clinguk cari dompet*

Thursday, December 24, 2009

The one who keeps losing


The one who keeps losing is not a loser, he's a survivor and a fighter!
Keeps losing means he kept trying even though his last effort was a failure

but his spirit was not broken, and keeps trying!
the reason he keeps losing is because he kept on trying!!!

"the one who stops trying and starts crying is the loser"


The one who keeps on losing is a loser, and an idiot
Keeps on losing means he didn't learn anything from his previous mistakes and failures

but he's too stubborn and kept on trying the same way!
the reason he keeps losing is because he repeated the same method!!

"the one who uses the same method and expects different result is the loser"


The one who keeps losing is the one who'll make way for others
Keeps on losing despite he's effort to change his ways and keeps striving when the next opportunity comes means he's haunted by bad luck

but he's a pioneer
the reason he moved on is because he believes that luck has nothing to do with result

"The one who kept on trying will make his own luck"


The one who keeps losing is a parent
Keeps on losing but never lost hope

because he's a parent
the reason he never give up is because he knows they haven't understand everything yet

"The reason human survive for millenniums is because of parents, bad or good"

Monday, December 21, 2009

"Dia" part II

Hari yang buruk
Hari yang menyebalkan

entah kenapa aku juga tau....
Aku tau si sebenernya cuman aku malas aja mengakuinya


ha?...ow it's you...

Aku : malas la ngakuinnya masa cuman gara2 "itu" aku harus Bad mood?
Dia : Kenapa?
Aku : Ya, karena aku ngerasa itu ga penting
Dia : Kenapa?
Aku : ya banyak hal yang aku harus pikirin kayak gini aja kenapa harus dipikirin
Dia : Kenapa?
Aku : Apa si tanya kenapa2? Apa urusanmu?
Dia : Kalo kamu ngga bisa jujur ma dirimu sendiri, jangan harap kamu bisa jujur ma orang lain..
Aku :...
Dia : Got over your pride? and ready to admit?
Aku : It doesn't help you know, admitting...
Aku : Yes it does, dragging us back to reality is one of our job
Aku :...

Aku mulai sadar dia mang bagian dari aku dan ngga bisa lepas
and it looks like he's going to stay with(in) me for a long time...

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Jangan Panggil Aku Tri....

Dilema orang yang namanya panggilannya beda dengan nama aslinya...
Namaku berdasarkan Akte Kelahiran : Trihanggara Yanuardi Hamdhani; Hangge

panggilanku Anggik, artinya adek dalam bahasa batak

-Orang lari2-

"Tri, Tri...."

aku diem aja...
tidak menoleh tidak menyahut...

"TRI TRI......"

Aku acuh saja dengan teriakan orang itu
seakan2 aku tidak kenal dia...


Aku terdiam sebentar...
dalam hati aku berbicara
"Jamput, ada orang yang namanya sama ma aku!!"

-aku ngloyor pergi-

Jangan Panggil Aku Tri!

Saturday, December 12, 2009


media untuk mengedit-edit foto atau gambar atau yang lainnya

Setengah mati aku belajar makenya...
learning by doing katanya
getting dumber by doing prasaan

"lo ini buat apa"...
"kq jadi gini???"

pencet sana pencet sini
klik itu klik ini

makin di klik makin puyeng
akhirnya menyerah pasrah

"Baca tutorilalnya," baca? berat keknya...

jadi inget kata2 Ivan Sinaga ke aku
"RTFM" apa tuh? "Rondo Tuek Fake Motor"?

Read The Fucking Manual



okelah saya menyerah saja...

ganti pake adobe light room...
toh aku cuman butuh buang2 noise, otak-otik exposure, brightness, dll

ngga butuh potong memotong
ato layer to layer


untung saya males belajar dan rajin browsing eekekekekekek....

Monday, December 7, 2009

Reel Big Fish Part 2 kekekekke

Bosen dengerin lagu putus yang mendayu2 ala lagu emo dan pop Indonesia jaman sekarang?
Bosen dengerin lagu yang pengen mati, pengen bunuh diri, nangis berhari2 sampe bertaun2??

ini ada lagi dari Reel Big Fish...
dengerin pasti puas!!

"Everything is Cool"

i'm so glad you're gone, you just led me on
where did it go wrong, too bad for too long
i live without you know
i'll get along some how
i don't care anyway, i just wanted to say
everything is cool
how are things with you
everything is cool
i wish you were dead
you say we'll be friends, that just means no sex,
i don't care what you say
i'm tired of %#&$!^ you anyway
i guess it is my fault
but do you blame you at all
i'll have to let you go
i just want you to know that
everything is cool
how are things with you,
everything is cool,
i wish you were dead!

-Mantab kan gan?-

Piss Love and Gaul Bow...

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Reel Big Fish!!!!!

"You Don't Know"

well first of all i'd like to say fuck off
if you don't get it why don't you
go shove your head back up your ass
and don't waste my time
i don't need your opinion

(a a aaaa)
cuz you don't know what it's like to be like me
so keep your mouth shut

this may come as kind of a surprise
i don't like you and i don't care
what you think about what i do
and most of all, i don't need your opinion

(a a aaa)
cuz you don't know what it's like to be like me
so keep your mouth shut

well finally that's the way it is
i like somethin' you don
't and your tellin'
me it's shit it's a waste of time
we can't change our opinions
i don't know what it's like to be you

i don't know what, so i'll keep my mouth shut

-mantap boss-
dari jaman2 SMA!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

home "sweet" home

I should have known going home was a mistake
I should have chosen somewhere else
If it was not for that i wouldn't be here
it doesn't feel like home anymore
I should leave a soon as i can
No reason to be here
No reason to be here
I've got no more reason to stay here
Got to go somewhere else
Got to go somewhere else
I've got to go somewhere else
anyplace but here
anyplace but here
Some other place but here